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Rail Rolling Stock and Maintenance Roles Pay Survey

The annual salary survey conducted by QCG in which we regularly participate is always very relevant to our industry sector. QCG are always very supportive during the compilation and submission of data and I come away from the post survey events having gained and shared really useful knowledge from and with like-minded people.


Key information:

What is it?

  • The QCG Rail Rolling Stock & Maintenance Roles Pay & Benefits Survey is a specialist annual pay and benefits survey for rail rolling stock and maintenance organisations.
  • The survey covers 32 key roles across differing levels of seniority.
  • It provides data for specialist functions not covered by general industry surveys.

When is the survey?

  • The survey submission window is open until the end of August, with results published by the end of September.
  • An annual networking event will take place shortly after the publication of results.
  • We will begin having pre-survey calls with participants in the early Spring.

What do I get if I sign up?

  • A comprehensive report covering the reward elements detailed below.
  • Regular sharing of market intelligence on reward and related topics in the sector.
  • An annual post-survey event with additional data and year-on-year trending analysis. This provides participants with an opportunity to add more context to the results, share information, and discuss ‘hot skills’ areas and key reward trends.
  • An ongoing network of support, information sharing and referral for reward professionals connected with the industry.

If you want to take part in the 2024 survey or have any specialist data requirements for roles in the sector, get in touch.

Contact us to take part


Which roles and areas of reward are covered?

  • Areas of reward covered in the survey include Base Pay, Bonuses, Total Cash, Pensions, Annual Leave, Pay-Related Allowances, Company Cars/Car Allowances, Private Medical Insurance, Life Assurance and Additional Benefits.
  • Includes breakdowns by location and length of service.
  • Additional analyses are conducted for the post-survey event, including salary and bonus movements, regional premiums, gender, allowances and other benefits.

01. Apprentice

02. Semi-skilled Fitter

03. Skilled Fitter

04. Technical Engineer

05. Supervisor

06. Graduate Engineer

07. Specialist Engineer

08. Senior Specialist Engineer

09. Engineering Manager

10. Head of Engineering / Chief Engineer

11. Project Manager

12. Lead Project Manager

13. Head of Projects

14. Stores Coordinator

15. Stores Manager

16. Materials Controller

17. Materials Manager

18. Production Manager

19. Depot Manager

20. Facilities Manager

21. Training Officer

22. Bid Proposal Manager

23. Procurement Manager

24. Account Manager

25. Fleet Performance Engineer

26. Fleet Strategy Manager

27. Maintenance Controller

28. Technical Riding Inspector

29. Head of Customer Services

30. Legal Advisor

31. Senior Legal Advisor

32. General Counsel

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