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EVP Diagnostic & Survey

How do you know the ‘employee deal’ at your organisation is compelling enough to engage employees, or attract the talent you need to succeed? Our Employee Value Proposition diagnostic can help you find the answer to that question.

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The survey

Through a simple employee survey, we capture what matters to your employees – and if you are delivering on those areas. We then analyse this information to produce a series of metrics that show where you are delivering the most value to employees, and where you should focus your efforts to have the biggest impact on the employee experience.

Our tool can split out results by demographic (including gender, ethnicity etc.) so you can really understand what matters most to employees of different characteristics.

This will enable you to establish how you can best compete for talent and maximise the return on the investment you make in people.


Other diagnostics

As part of the Employee Value Proposition Diagnostic, we also review materials such as business plans, culture and values documentation, employee engagement surveys, employee turnover and performance information, feedback from exit interviews, job ads, etc.

This review is contextual to engaging with stakeholders. This allows us to understand the Employee Value Proposition from a bottom-up perspective (away from jargon often found in corporate documents). This engagement takes the following forms:

  • A discovery workshop with key members of the HR team;
  • One-to-one interviews with senior leaders. This allows us to get a better understanding of the strategic context of the organisation, its positioning in the market, culture and values, and aspects of the overall ‘employee deal’;
  • Focus groups with a representative sample of employees from different areas and demographic profiles. In these sessions we will look to capture aspects of work most valued by employees. We use these engagements to test the level of alignment in perceptions of value between employees and senior leaders.

Our diagnostics are then ‘distilled’ into a series of themes. They provide the basis to design your Employee Value Proposition – including leading statements, pillars and segmented messages.

Finally, your Employee Value Proposition is fed into employer branding initiatives, ready to communicate to employees and candidates.

Get in touch today to discuss how we can help

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